Learning to Live Post Oil, Positive News and Volunteering

Happy Earth Day to all of you!  Hoping you find a moment sometime this week to pause, touch the Earth, breath deeply and smell a flower, or give thanks for a vegetable or fruit you are eating! In the interest of sharing inspiration and information, I'd like to pass on a few things to you.

The first is an online comic strip called "Luz - Girl of the Knowing".  I hope it will inspire your imagination and your actions as much as it has mine.  What do we need to learn to live sustainably in cities - especially knowing that oil/fossil fuels are getting increasingly expensive and scarce?  How can we find a positive and practical relationship with Mother Earth again?  We can learn along with Luz... (From the link below, to scroll through the comics, click on the arrows >> at the right of the blue navigation bar.)

The next is a website for positive news!  I don't know about you, however, I can feel pretty doomy and gloomy just reading news headlines.  This website focusses on positive news stories from around the world.  Do you want to hear about what people are doing to bring positive change to the challenges they/we are facing?  I sure do :) http://www.positivenews.org.uk

Finally, if you feel moved to engage in more action and perhaps you have some extra time, here are some websites that can help you connect with organisations that need volunteers!  You could help out in a local garden, hang out with elderly folks, teach kids to cook, volunteer at a summer music festival...
In the US: http://www.volunteermatch.org
In Canada: http://volunteer.ca/en/VolOps
International: http://www.universalgiving.org

This spring, let's get out there and plant some seeds for the kind of world we really want!


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